The OUTA Moral Courage Recognition Certificate is recognition for active citizenry and in particular, people who are authentic in taking a morally courageous stand on matters that have a substantial impact in the workplace or in society.

OUTA's Moral Courage Award Recipients

Bianca Goodson

Bianca Goodson was the CEO at Trillian Capital Partners. In 2016, Goodson decided to blow the whistle on the questionable dealings she witnessed within Trillian Capital. She revealed information about alleged corruption, fraud, and irregularities involving the company. Her actions were seen as a brave move, considering the potential risks and consequences whistleblowers often face.

Thuli Mpshe

Served as the HR Executive at South African Airways (SAA) and was later appointed as the Acting CEO of SAA. During her tenure, Mpshe showed remarkable courage in resisting against Dudu Myeni's bullying tactics. Her dedication to transparency, integrity, and the well-being of SAA earned her recognition as a whistleblower, as she fearlessly exposed and challenged unethical practices. Her actions serve as an example of the importance of whistleblowers in upholding accountability and promoting responsible governance.

Joel Ledwaba

Is a fearless activist who refuses to be intimidated by political interference in his local community. As his municipality faces disarray and corruption, he takes on the challenge head-on, courageously voicing his discontent and actively combatting the unethical practices that plague his area. Even in the face of grave danger, Joel remains resolute, standing as a stalwart protector with the best interests of his community at heart. His unwavering commitment to fighting for justice and accountability serves as an inspiring example to all who strive for positive change in their own communities.

Sylvain Bosc 

The commercial director for SAA, found himself in a challenging position when he resisted Dudu Myeni's abrupt decision to cancel the previously approved Emirates deal. 

Despite acting with integrity and in the best interest of the airline, Sylvain Bosc was subjected to an unwarranted suspension based on false charges. He courageously took it upon himself to defend against SAA's baseless accusations, shouldering the burden of legal expenses from his own resources.

Wolf Meyer

Facing a critical decision at the time, Wolf Meyer stood firm and refused to endorse Dudu Myeni's plan aimed at restructuring aircraft leases. This questionable scheme had the potential to benefit connected companies at the expense of increasing SAA's costs. Demonstrating unwavering integrity, Meyer made the honourable choice to resign rather than engage in any corrupt activities.

Tebogo Kekana

Mr. Kekana, a seasoned investigator and dedicated union shop steward who collaborated closely with Mkhwebane during the initial phase of her tenure. He showed immense courage by blowing the whistle on Public Protector Adv Mkhwebane, raising concerns about the CIEX report's nationalization of the Reserve Bank and the Vrede Dairy Farm report. Despite facing adversity, Mr. Kekana fearlessly exposed confidential information in his pursuit of transparency and accountability. Regrettably, this led to his suspension due to allegations of disseminating confidential information. We acknowledge and appreciate Mr. Kekana's invaluable contributions to the fight against corruption and his unwavering commitment to upholding what's just and right.

Ian Erasmus

Mr Ian Erasmus worked for Sasol as a senior process controller from 2005 until he was allegedly forced to resign in 2020. Mr Erasmus blew the whistle on Sasol for pollution in the Vaal river and the unlawful waste disposal activities perpetrated by a handful of employees at the Benfield unit. In February 2019, he testified about this at the SAHRC’s inquiry into the Vaal River’s pollution. Three months later, he was suspended for making disclosures to the SAHRC and DFFE. Mr Erasmus handed over evidence to the environmental department and the SAHRC that massive amounts of vanadium were present in the firm’s western API dams in 2017 and 2018 for extended periods with Sasol’s own analyses of the API dam water. His allegations were used by the Department of Water and Sanitation and NPA to criminally to charge Sasol for pollution – a case that is ongoing. 

Mosilo Mothepu

Mothepu was the former CEO of Trillian Management Consulting, a company linked to the Gupta family, who were accused of wielding significant influence over former South African President Jacob Zuma's administration. In 2016, Mosilo Mothepu came forward to reveal how Trillian, the company she worked for, was involved in corrupt dealings and was benefiting from its connections to the Gupta family. 
Her whistleblowing played a crucial role in shedding light on the extent of corruption and state capture in South Africa, leading to public outrage and calls for accountability. It contributed to a series of investigations and inquiries into corruption allegations involving the Gupta family, President Jacob Zuma, and other high-ranking official. Mothepu's bravery and willingness to speak out against powerful interests helped expose corruption and hold those responsible accountable. Whistleblowers like Mosilo Mothepu play a vital role in fighting corruption and promoting transparency in government and corporate affairs.

Martha Ngoye  

A whistleblower who exposed multi-billion rand corruption at Prasa. Martha Ngoye is credited as being among officials who helped stop Prasa from investing R1 billion into the VBS Mutual Bank, a few months before its collapse. 
Despite being cleared of disciplinary charges in arbitration, Ngoye remains suspended as the rail agency seeks to appeal the decision in the Labour Court.
Our CEO, Wayne Duvenage had a sit down with Martha Ngoye - watch here

Altu Sadie

Altu Sadie, a former executive, emerged as a courageous voice by fearlessly exposing alleged financial irregularities within Ecobank, a prominent pan-African institution headquartered in Togo. His commitment to transparency and accountability has set a powerful example in pursuit of ethical practices within the financial sector. 

Simphiwe Mayisela

Mr Mayisela is a whistleblower who played a crucial role in alleged corruption at the Public Investment Corporation (PIC), South Africa's largest asset manager. Mayisela's courage and dedication to exposing wrongdoing contribute significantly to fostering transparency and accountability within the financial landscape. 

Athol Williams

Athol Williams, celebrated for his tenure as an ethics lecturer at the University of Cape Town, As one of the 278 witnesses at the Zondo Commission, Mr. Williams courageously testified against pervasive corruption allegations, showcasing his dedication to ethical principles. In the face of potential threats to his safety, Mr. Williams's fearless stance against corruption stands as a testament to his commitment to truth and justice. His pivotal testimony at the Zondo Commission not only sheds light on systemic issues within South Africa but also serves as a beacon of inspiration for those striving for accountability and transparency in society.