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In 2024, national and provincial government elections will be held. Are you registered? Will you vote? It's YOUR future. 

#BeTheBoss: Register and vote

We are all tired of the way things are going in South Africa. But there is a way we as citizens of the country can take back control: to vote in elections. No election that concerns our democracy is too small or insignificant, and experts agree that the 2024 national and provincial government elections may be the most important elections in the history of our country.

Register to vote through the Electoral Commission online portal here

#BeTheBoss: Get involved in parliament

We need active citizens who keep watch over parliament, and who take part in public participation opportunities.
The MPs get into parliament by being on their party lists but, once in parliament, they work for you, the public.
The main work of parliament is done in committees, and these meetings are open to the public, many of them online.
MPs are supposed to be assigned to constituencies, so find out who your MP is and lobby for issues you care about.
Find your MP here.
Write to a parliamentary committee here.
Learn about parliamentary oversight here.

Watch: Explained: The role of parliament

Watch: Be The Boss. Be the Change

More on #BeTheBoss

South Africa is borrowing R1.2B a day 

Join us and help us work with government to reduce this debt and avoid bankruptcy.