Coalition talks and the path ahead for South Africa

OUTA addresses post-election uncertainty and the expectation of coalition governments

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04/06/2024 12:37:50

Image: OUTAl

Coalition talks and the path ahead for South Africa

Following the recent announcement of the 2024 national and provincial election results, South Africa enters a critical phase of coalition negotiations. The next two weeks (hopefully less), will undoubtedly be a period of uncertainty as various political parties engage in discussions to form coalition governments. This process is new to the electorate at a national government level, but one which we must accept as our new reality, which is a natural progression in a maturing democracy. What is immature however, is the reaction and threats of boycotts and possible unrest by members of any political party to the results, which have been deemed as free and fair by the many observer entities, despite some unfortunate administrative issues which may have impacted on the turnout. We believe the various law enforcement agencies must come down hard on any unruly behaviour and be firm in taking action against all perpetrators involved, more specifically the instigators of unlawful conduct.

OUTA believes the IEC needs to take a hard look at the administrative issues that arose and begin in earnest to modernise and beef up their systems, in preparation for the local elections in some 30 months from now.

Coalition governments are likely to be the norm for a long time to come in South Africa,  bringing both challenges and opportunities. While the uncertainty can be unsettling, it is essential to recognise the positive aspects of this political evolution. Coalitions encourage greater transparency and accountability, as multiple parties must collaborate and compromise to govern effectively. This can lead to more balanced and representative decision-making, ensuring that diverse voices and interests are considered.

“South Africa has demonstrated remarkable resilience in the face of numerous challenges throughout its history,” said Wayne Duvenage, CEO of OUTA. “Our nation’s ability to adapt and persevere is a testament to the strength and spirit of our people. As we navigate this new phase and political landscape, it’s important to remember that other countries have successfully transitioned to coalition governments, resulting in enhanced transparency, accountability and economic success.”

Countries like Germany, the Netherlands, Italy and others have long histories of coalition governments that have fostered more inclusive and transparent governance. These examples show that coalition politics can lead to greater scrutiny of government actions and policies, reducing the risk of corruption and fostering a culture of accountability, something which South Africa needs more than ever. A positive outcome we are hoping for is the removal of a number of ministers whose ministries failed dismally to meet the expectations of the people, the most obvious of these being the ministers of Transport, Mineral Resources and Energy, Higher Education, and Police. 

Duvenage also extended his gratitude to the electorate. “We want to thank the 58% of registered voters who turned out to vote. Your participation is vital to our democracy. Voting is not just a right but a civic duty that ensures our voices are heard and that we hold our leaders accountable.” We are however disappointed at the decline in the voter turnout and one wonders what these figures might have been, had potential voters not been discouraged and abandoned their efforts, due to the long queues and problems experienced at many of the polling stations.

OUTA calls on all political parties to embrace the changing dynamics of our political landscape, and to be committed to advocating for good governance. This is a stance that we will drive and will continue to hold those who abuse their positions of power to account, regardless of the political landscape. Our mission remains steadfast: to ensure that public funds are used responsibly, and that corruption is rooted out.

During this period of transition, OUTA urges all South Africans to stay engaged and informed. Active participation in our democracy is crucial. We believe that this collaborative effort will pave the way for a more transparent, accountable, and equitable future for our nation.

More information

A soundclip with comment by OUTA CEO, Wayne Duvenage is here.

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OUTA is standing up against government corruption and mismanagement. 

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