
Electricity Regulation Amendment Bill is a step in the right direction

April 2024 — 818 views

Laws? What laws? SIU report lays bare SAA’s culture of looting

November 2023 — 3132 views

Challenging secrecy: OUTA demands full record of Karpowership decision

January 2023 — 6032 views

It's time for government to generate electricity not confusion

January 2023 — 2939 views

Eskom price increase is a challenge for South Africans and Eskom

January 2023 — 1918 views

OUTA calls on NERSA to limit Eskom’s 2023 increase to CPI

September 2022 — 3529 views

OUTA files legal challenge to overturn NERSA’s Karpowership licences

April 2022 — 5720 views

The Eskom problem won’t be helped by higher prices

February 2022 — 3485 views

OUTA calls on NERSA to reject Eskom’s outrageous price increase request

January 2022 — 2203 views

Zondo report confirms that Dudu Myeni was delinquent and a corrupt, negligent and incompetent SAA chairperson

January 2022 — 5459 views

More thoughtful consultation is needed on the new electricity price methodology

November 2021 — 2032 views

High fuel prices: Levies and weak economic policy are the real issues

November 2021 — 4525 views

We want to see NERSA’s reasons for approving the Karpowership licences

September 2021 — 4957 views

Oh no: NERSA takes SA another step towards new nuclear

August 2021 — 2458 views

Karpowerships: No permits, no clarity, no value, no thanks

August 2021 — 4136 views

SAA gets 51% private stake, but still government controlled

June 2021 — 4904 views

President overrules Minister Mantashe with much-needed 100 MW limit

June 2021 — 4787 views

SCA judgment opens way for more delinquency actions against SOE directors

April 2021 — 3934 views

Dear NERSA, public consultation takes more than a few days

March 2021 — 2332 views

OUTA tells NERSA: #NoNewNuclear

February 2021 — 1777 views


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